Thursday, December 16, 2010

Clip Arts Of Cricket Bat


Alliance for Italy's future with the Liberty Union Center moves for autonomy in the wake of the Liberal ... E 'was born the third prong. Return to National Alliance, with no flame and no bald in Piazza Venezia. No book and musket, but Pierferdy and Binegar. The Polo is the nation's new political creature of the usual arrangements because "at the bottom of the story is always the same. There is a crying, crying, and makes the verse from that window."

So what? We continue to use the words of Whittaker.

"The names change, rimangon bastards, see you on the radio, the same faces, the usual arrangements. (What arrangements?) The Usual. Do major, major, A minor, D minor, G seventh, D minor ... C major, A major, D minor, A minor, G seventh, minor ... "

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Can Eye Twitching Signal Mini Strokes

Leopard to Montecitorio

Words, words, words ... It's not the famous song by Mina, but the remainder of the depressing spectacle that Italy has had to watch yesterday. Botte political, parliamentary skirmishes, urban warfare and even streams of words. more Drop, drop less, our considerations will also add minutes to the river in flood.

First urge admit that I was wrong. I thought the uproar in the House would be resolved with the resignation tactics after the first vote in the Senate, rather that early elections. None of that. E 'enough to appeal to the bottom of the barrel, the rot of our intellectual elite: acupuncturists, Cepu and "cchiù pilu pe everyone." Rate of exchange? Probably, but now it is urgent to look into my eyes and have the humility to admit that it is regrettable who pays, who does so is pay. A concept that seems to be unclear. In Italy they suck the chief priests, but save Judah.

second point. One thing I spot on. Fini is a goner. I always thought that the President of the Chamber had started a process of political euthanasia. Well, yesterday Berlusconi pulled the plug on his respirator. Gianfranco Fini was scrubbed by the same Chinese boxes with which he wanted to make shoes for the premier. How has decided to split from the party with his Praetorian Guard, in turn dolphin Almirante (incredibile. ..) was made out of a can of traitors who were in Mirabello in the front row clapping. In other words: do unto others as you would not want done to yourself.

Last but not least, what will happen now? And what do I know. Napolitano said it would take a crystal ball. Maybe there was a ball! The only ball I see the body roll is the cunning chameleon-like Casini. Click to see who will end up with a wine and tarallucci Bossi and Berlusconi. Once again, everything changes, so that nothing can change. And if you go to vote in the spring? If Napolitano does not have the ball, we hope to be able to read the cards.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Kamehasutra Online View

A reader known a meeting held at the Library of Larizza Solaro, after reading my book and be pleasantly surprised, he decided to give it away as a Christmas gift to its customers. Today I sent the letter that accompanies the book: a real review that has filled me with pride. The carry-over as it was written.

here's to you, with so much dedication and autograph, a small (does not reach seventy pages) jewel of emotions such noir-surreal debut author Aaron Scott. One wrote

dry, fresh, fast, fast, to "a" modern, how, that is, we are encouraged to "feel" without metabolize, what we live, and as such, engaging and exciting. Full of twists, rarely granted, maintains tension thanks to the brevity seemingly simple stories.

Somewhat biographical situations with "bizarre" experienced by many (remember the blackout a few years ago in Northern Italy? Or when young once you happened to go down in the basement of the school?). Descriptions quick, incisive, realistic always take the high suspense, and induce those who read to eliminate any control exercised by reason, leading her out of any aesthetic or moral concern. Lost in reverie you find yourself living in real time the experiences recounted, as if we were on the scene (possibly behind the scenes), free to roam between light and darkness, in the twilight zone.
And the pathos that takes us remember that heard while watching some movies of Hitchcock (Rear Window), Rod Serling (some episodes of "The Twilight Zone"), David Lynch (Mulholland Drive), by Geoffrey Sax (White Noise).

The circumstances of personal life, as common and sometimes daily, and the style used to convey a compelling sense of uneasiness and embarrassment masochism celabili hard, and make us think about what would we do if we read what had happened to us.

If, then, you are fortunate enough to know the author, as has happened to this writer, and understand how this is a telling glimpse into the reality of his life, that same Aaron was able to make credible although seemingly impossible, well then, all becomes frightening!

With the hope that you start to read it (sure, at that point, you will not stop) I hope I can remain paralyzed and speechless, disappointed to have had only seven stories in the hands of Aaron Scott.

Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Master Lock Box Combination Recovery

Review Meeting: Christmas at the tip of a pen "Meet the author


Saturday, December 11 from 17.00
Books Lariza Center, Via Como 9 - Solaro

For thrill-seekers, small beads for a narrative Horror Christmas banner.

Aaron Scott meets his audience and presents the book "Tales from the Dark."