Thursday, December 16, 2010

Clip Arts Of Cricket Bat


Alliance for Italy's future with the Liberty Union Center moves for autonomy in the wake of the Liberal ... E 'was born the third prong. Return to National Alliance, with no flame and no bald in Piazza Venezia. No book and musket, but Pierferdy and Binegar. The Polo is the nation's new political creature of the usual arrangements because "at the bottom of the story is always the same. There is a crying, crying, and makes the verse from that window."

So what? We continue to use the words of Whittaker.

"The names change, rimangon bastards, see you on the radio, the same faces, the usual arrangements. (What arrangements?) The Usual. Do major, major, A minor, D minor, G seventh, D minor ... C major, A major, D minor, A minor, G seventh, minor ... "

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Can Eye Twitching Signal Mini Strokes

Leopard to Montecitorio

Words, words, words ... It's not the famous song by Mina, but the remainder of the depressing spectacle that Italy has had to watch yesterday. Botte political, parliamentary skirmishes, urban warfare and even streams of words. more Drop, drop less, our considerations will also add minutes to the river in flood.

First urge admit that I was wrong. I thought the uproar in the House would be resolved with the resignation tactics after the first vote in the Senate, rather that early elections. None of that. E 'enough to appeal to the bottom of the barrel, the rot of our intellectual elite: acupuncturists, Cepu and "cchiù pilu pe everyone." Rate of exchange? Probably, but now it is urgent to look into my eyes and have the humility to admit that it is regrettable who pays, who does so is pay. A concept that seems to be unclear. In Italy they suck the chief priests, but save Judah.

second point. One thing I spot on. Fini is a goner. I always thought that the President of the Chamber had started a process of political euthanasia. Well, yesterday Berlusconi pulled the plug on his respirator. Gianfranco Fini was scrubbed by the same Chinese boxes with which he wanted to make shoes for the premier. How has decided to split from the party with his Praetorian Guard, in turn dolphin Almirante (incredibile. ..) was made out of a can of traitors who were in Mirabello in the front row clapping. In other words: do unto others as you would not want done to yourself.

Last but not least, what will happen now? And what do I know. Napolitano said it would take a crystal ball. Maybe there was a ball! The only ball I see the body roll is the cunning chameleon-like Casini. Click to see who will end up with a wine and tarallucci Bossi and Berlusconi. Once again, everything changes, so that nothing can change. And if you go to vote in the spring? If Napolitano does not have the ball, we hope to be able to read the cards.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Kamehasutra Online View

A reader known a meeting held at the Library of Larizza Solaro, after reading my book and be pleasantly surprised, he decided to give it away as a Christmas gift to its customers. Today I sent the letter that accompanies the book: a real review that has filled me with pride. The carry-over as it was written.

here's to you, with so much dedication and autograph, a small (does not reach seventy pages) jewel of emotions such noir-surreal debut author Aaron Scott. One wrote

dry, fresh, fast, fast, to "a" modern, how, that is, we are encouraged to "feel" without metabolize, what we live, and as such, engaging and exciting. Full of twists, rarely granted, maintains tension thanks to the brevity seemingly simple stories.

Somewhat biographical situations with "bizarre" experienced by many (remember the blackout a few years ago in Northern Italy? Or when young once you happened to go down in the basement of the school?). Descriptions quick, incisive, realistic always take the high suspense, and induce those who read to eliminate any control exercised by reason, leading her out of any aesthetic or moral concern. Lost in reverie you find yourself living in real time the experiences recounted, as if we were on the scene (possibly behind the scenes), free to roam between light and darkness, in the twilight zone.
And the pathos that takes us remember that heard while watching some movies of Hitchcock (Rear Window), Rod Serling (some episodes of "The Twilight Zone"), David Lynch (Mulholland Drive), by Geoffrey Sax (White Noise).

The circumstances of personal life, as common and sometimes daily, and the style used to convey a compelling sense of uneasiness and embarrassment masochism celabili hard, and make us think about what would we do if we read what had happened to us.

If, then, you are fortunate enough to know the author, as has happened to this writer, and understand how this is a telling glimpse into the reality of his life, that same Aaron was able to make credible although seemingly impossible, well then, all becomes frightening!

With the hope that you start to read it (sure, at that point, you will not stop) I hope I can remain paralyzed and speechless, disappointed to have had only seven stories in the hands of Aaron Scott.

Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Master Lock Box Combination Recovery

Review Meeting: Christmas at the tip of a pen "Meet the author


Saturday, December 11 from 17.00
Books Lariza Center, Via Como 9 - Solaro

For thrill-seekers, small beads for a narrative Horror Christmas banner.

Aaron Scott meets his audience and presents the book "Tales from the Dark."

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

How Much Lidocaine Gets U High


Eventually they took him. I think. If you have not already done so will soon do so. Too bad it's over so I told him I had some time that in principle he was right, but the struggle was to fight within the system. Log into the system to change the features from the roots. Together we can. We can. Unfortunately, what the bomber is a film already seen, a story we'd read the final paragraph. I like to remember her as the history of the comrades who make mistakes that change the bell without giving up the noble intent of the achievement of equality between fraternal peoples. Sure, a brother who is wrong. But has it all wrong, especially when the wind blew between us for change from overseas, this innovative breeze that would have wiped out - leave the square - the whole circus midgets, acrobats and dancers of the majority. Too bad. With him will go a nice piece of my childhood.
The struggle continues. Do not get me wrong. In the places and with means that the Constitution gave us, without discriminating against minorities and still indignant for every stunt that the media gives us new tyrant from week to week. And 'my hard work: meetings, conferences, commissions, compared with the top the party and then the classroom discussions. The war if you do well. We reported that the press is in the pay of someone, but we both have our own following. And if no one reads our press party? It does not matter that we have public funding support it. That freedom of expression is a sacred duty to ensure, at the cost of putting their hands in their pockets of the state. And so we are not ashamed to spend public money to write a paper that does not read any, for the day when we will be prevented from doing so, then it's time to take up arms just as did our friend bomber. And this has ever: we are Democrats.
E 'the same thing happened with television State. We are democrats - like the American Democrats and British Labour - though we have seen the assault to care for the division of powers in public TV, so we dressed up as cowboys and we set out to conquer our insepugnabile fort. Now we have our own channel, where a small Alamo fought hard, we assume only journalists who are on our own, but most offer a quality television. It does not matter if no one looks at why people prefer one of the enemy. We will do the same because it is a public service. Pluralism is important, it is a matter of life or death. Imagine what could be a state without pluralism. We fight every day for that. Daily deal - or at least try to do to the sound of punches - a slice of power to ensure media pluralism. If we give up this power leads only to a dictatorship without escort, ass-licker, Freemasons and so on and so forth. Never be: our first share of power and then talks about the rest. The same we did with the banks, insurance companies, cooperatives and large retailers away. The power score is.
It is not true that we missed the rest. University research, freedom of immigration, tax breaks, the fight against malpractice policy, the war against the mafia, the world peace. These are all key points, but be careful. The government there we are. E 'is therefore our task to reckon without his host and to resist, just as our grandparents endured in the mountains to hunt for Nazi-Fascists. Because the resistance is not a historic district anchored to the memory of more than sixty years ago, but is an existential condition in which they live great values. That's why we Democrats are all friends of the national partisans do not care if the partisans of the time they have not escaped half are young people having to sign up.
I take inspiration from this quote of the values \u200b\u200bof resistance to point on an issue. As the partisans came down to a compromise with the Nazi invaders, us as we dug a deep furrow between us and the President of the Council. A furrow-pass-on our part, but open to people trying to flee from the party organization. We sought to entrench the two-party system in Italy and we have accepted the invitation by fusing the Communists, Democrats, Catholics, Opus Dei and a former radical. Because for us, diversity is a value. Relativism is a pure value, because the individual must be allowed free expression. In the past, we thought radically opposed, but you know, times change and with it the dying ideologies and beliefs change.
I am proud to tell you that every day that the groove is increased up to become a real Iron Curtain. Now we're bringing the political fight against the immorality of the President staff because in the meantime the rest can wait. Mica us to govern. We play the role of the opposition and as such our goal is to send home this tyrant from overwork. Fifteen years that we try without much success, but I'm quite sure that - among the thousands of stories escort and parties - this time we have found the right one. Greetings to you
bomber. If you were accommodated by my side in Parliament as I told you, now would you be here in hope to enjoy as soon as the fall of the great Satan. In the meantime, think of you remembering the courage and the greatness of people like the Rev. King, President Kennedy, Mother Teresa of Calcutta ... In short, the pantheon of great Democrats.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Diagram Of Frozen Shoulder


As a close friend said: "If Jesus were born in Italy, he made a career as a child of God." At least a shred of seats in parliament would have to give it to him. A minister, a contract from racks or secretary. What remains is for us? Insecurity, instability, silence and a deluded politicians still have the slightest control over the masses. Already deluded. Still firmly convinced that the solution to problems is to throw more coal into the furnace of consent, fueling the endless struggle between good and evil. I think that nowadays there is nothing more metaphysical if not politics. The definition just now I do not know how to give it - having seen that soon will be here to pick me - but I am sure that the shape of politics is anchored in the world of ideas, unable to distill, to incarnate into something different from the mechanism of corruption, of self-affirmation and patronage.
long as I get time I will continue to write my will, although I am sure that - once caught - not of what will be nothing but an echo faint. I was born
back. It does not mean breech, but posterior to the reality that surrounds me. I did not choose the language, I chose my name, I did not choose the state to which I had to submit quietly. I was born and the prisoner will die. As all of you who might read a few fragments of this letter. And to think that everything we were told many years ago, but the man is stupid, man perseveres in error and has the dive drops of wax in your ears not to hear. Locked in my room like a maniac flick through the pages of Marcuse, Heidegger and Lacan looking for a comfort last, a breath of freedom before the end. Montesquieu had tried with his Esprit des loies, but what is it worth anything if we ended up at this point? Because no one has bowed his head to listen to the cry of those friends in the silence of history?
We enjoyed the bread and we relaxed at the circus of the powerful, gorged consent dispensed in pills, pretending to become actors in the democratic process played in the founding of the Communist Party offices and meetings of electoral committees. But everything about what is served, if not lessen awareness of slavery? We thought they could handle the power consumption by anesthetized and prosperity, we lowered the shirt collar for the neck to provide unhindered Executioner. This
my last song I dedicate the first hell especially to those who - naive - they believed to be free freedom fighters. Who are these champions from overwork? You! Yes you! You who have dabbled in hypocrisy of the opposition, you who dug the groove of diversity. You who have been elevated to chief judges are able to establish what is good and what is bad. Have you built a new Iron Curtain made of marzipan, a fictitious barrier able to fool only the most naive. "Why we are different, and you ...". Pluralis maiestatis of my balls. The cloaca maxima, there is no us and there is no you, but there is only one unique degenerate which administers and share power. And who thinks he is exempt from what is wrong, because the politician is like a fish. After three days the stench.
I missed a few along the Iron Curtain. As the soldier portrayed in Berlin and now condemned to be sold as a postcard for the tourists, I made the jump. A leap of quail that saved me morally and formally sentenced, a movement that has put me over the parts. Excessive Force. I regret that I will end the awareness of other fools who, like Don Quixote, thought they could break down the windmills. I've shot something and probably I'm wrong, I hurt, I released this desperation and God will give me the bill. But if there is a God, I will be happy to pay him the account of a revolt against those who have submitted the bill to me even before I was born. Those who have created the perverse structure of the concept State to which the individual has had to quietly pay the alms of their existence. Give up a piece of their personal freedoms to deliver it in state hands.
I have broken the exclusive power of coercion preached by Weber. I have subverted the natural outcome of social conflicts preached by Hobbes kicking ass in the summa potestas and abstract form of the implicit mandate that citizens give to the State. I said no to all this and so will be punished. I have replaced the state. I have fought the paralysis of criticism. I'm not a one-dimensional man. When innocent
still floating in the placenta of our mothers, already the original sin the posterior beset us. We had a name before coming to the world, and how was this possible? We chose us, or is the name we chose? And the language? We had the haughty arrogance of being able to advance the awareness of the manipulation of language and are not. We used only a superstructure that has dominated. As the state. The fetuses were Italian, French, Swiss, European or Chinese before seeing the light. And 'the state that has chosen us in defiance of our freedom. He stamped and cataloged. I tried to say no to all this, but eventually I lost my war. I called the Executioner to end the dream of a sick mind. Goodbye.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Lattice Enthalpy Walkthrough

Saturday, November 6 16 pm, I will meet my audience to talk about the book "Dark Tales" at the library "EMAN BOOKS", Via Zanica 2, Bergamo

'll be waiting!

Donate Blood In South Florida Money

Another review of "Dark Tales" from the website:


"When he reached the Answer Charles knew the difference between fear and terror. See light come on in the bathroom caused fear in him [...] To hear the answer that came to him he burst into pure terror. "

What about" Dark Tales "

"Tales from the Dark" is a collection of short stories written by Aaron Scott who as a common thread of fear. The stories are set in places of ordinary things the characters in this book are people with whom it is easy to identify.

The tension that oozes from the pages of "Tales from the Dark" is based on common fears how to find "something" in his own bed or involuntary witness to a murder and forced to flee. Other stories go beyond the everyday actions and should be troubling to some universes' more distant, but not alienated from everyday life.

Aaron Scott writes with good pace this small anthology of terror, accelerating the pace on some final, almost as if to shake off the tension and fear cleverly incorporated into the "Dark Tales". The book reads quickly, the division into separate stories helps a lot that the reader has time to break away from a story and enter into another.

Fear in the stories told by Aaron Scott devious, sticky: it remains as a small worm in mind a few days after you close the book. This is one of the most popular among readers of the genre and, simultaneously, one of the most feared by those who are not keen to see the horror and noir.

"Dark Tales" by Aaron Scott distributes daily fears, through a smooth writing and family to get lost so easy, how scary.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Multiplication Chartto 100x100

my garage

Friday, September 3, 2010

Naming Parts Of A Pirate Ship


Thursday, September 2, 2010

Healthiest Thing At Bonefish Grill


A druggist has a new assistant. The first day of employment, he says
"You should know that I have a system whereby if a customer asks me
one, I can sell two. Now I'll teach."
enter the store a lady ...
"Hello, I would like a can of READY," the grocer
goes into the back room and returns with a can of READY and one
"Excuse me, I just wanted the canister READY ....."
"Look lady, After cleaning the furniture, with dirty windows, you will not see
the job done ... "
" Bravo, you're right, I buy it. "" See "said the grocer-to-commit"
do so. " Log
a second lady
"Hello, I would like a bottle of VETRIL .."
The grocer is in the back room and returns with the VETRIL and READY.
"Excuse me, I had asked only VETRIL ..."
" Dear lady, if she cleans the windows you will notice all the fingerprints on the furniture! "
" He's right, I buy everything! "
" The next customer is up to you ...."
"Good morning, ... I would like a box of Tampax. "
The clerk goes into the back room and returns with Tampax, the FIRST and VETRIL.
"There must be a mistake, I asked only ..."
"I know," stop-the-committed "but since you do not sweep this week, we want to give cleaned a house??"

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Can You Take A Plane From Cancun To Cuba?

Hills Race 2010 !!!!!!!! Fetish by anna

E 'arrival in the 7th edition of our Hills Race will be the coolest event of the year. Also this year will seriously! E 'ready the 3rd American Motors ACCELERATION NOTICE Pavia in collaboration with the Sadurano Motorsport Forlì. The federation ACI-CSAI has already received our registration to the calendar in the "experimental" under the "acceleration", and confirmed for the 3, 4 and 5 September 2010 at Rivanazzano, the race on behalf of "acceleration AMP" under the wise and competent organization Sadurano Motorsport. Prepare
engines. The gates will open from Friday to start at 16.00, on the strip 1 / 4 "of miles will be put on fire for two days compared to previous events, the entire area will be completely static and welcoming revolution: more compact and less wasteful, more paved areas, paddock area for the drivers directly on the track, free camping area and then live music, booths, and especially show dragster waits on a Saturday evening full of surprises! The philosophy of the American Motors Pavia is now known to most of you all, so there is no need to reiterate that the party Static will be open not only to the U.S. but also to CARS Volkswagen air cooled.

For motorcycles, the 2010 edition of 'Hills Race there will be a major innovation: Harley Davidson Italy will speak directly to the event, presenting the The Legend on Tour! A great truck with ospitality will be waiting to offer you the chance to try out the new 2010 range. For info

This year, the friends of 'HOT HEADS GARAGE, who have had the pleasure to enjoy for a couple of issues with their spectacular beetles will have the task of organizing a major event in the event. More than 300 bugs are expected in their area dedicated to be colored by media "by area" or "chop top" as well as assistance or service from Vw years 60/70. To keep an eye on the area of \u200b\u200bCustom Sickles Reunion, edited by Romano and his Rumblers CC, we will re an angle of Kustom Kulture respectable.
example of European events already tested by time, even in Italy you can see a RACE of organized drag racing, mainly for American cars. The
Rivanazzano Dragway awaits you as always to spend a weekend of pure fun, passion, sound, and acceleration to no end!
AMP staff

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Bingo Board Electronic

Night Shift

My dear and beloved,
is much more that I look to this window. Want to laziness, tiredness and a bit 'of despair, I have to admit that they have hoisted the white flag in recent months. And yet - this summer morning - I felt the call to come back tougher than ever for the office.
My expulsion was born from the awareness that I was being something out of hand, the Ariadne's thread of my future had been mysteriously lost in the dark corners of the labyrinth of Minos. Yes I'm lost - at least for the moment - waiting to get back in the late summer in the press that counts, the one with "S" capitalized. A loss probably forced by a condition within the category of work that is breaking the legs of people like me who is knocking at the doors of the profession.
insecurity, uncertainty, occasional collaborations. It is the paradox that the candidate for an unpaid internship is celebrated as an assumption in perpetuity.
But the complaint is not that I want. Welcome back

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

18 Inch Balsa Woods Bridge

Review on reviews of literary Anoobi

Here are two reviews of "Dark Tales" appeared in Anoobi:

Sharmas Review:

A collection of seven stories, this short book (only 70 pages, unfortunately!) Has really been a nice discovery. The author manages to create a simple, full of stories that, for different gender and topic, they always manage to remain vigilant and suspense. All stories are told, each in its own way, interesting and not trivial, as there are similarities between "The Winner" and "Three Minutes". Personally, what I found particularly anxiety is "the oldest woman in the world" really able to convey to readers the fear and terror experienced by the protagonist! Very intriguing then, is also "EVP", based on trying to communicate with the afterlife.
The narrative style is fresh and direct, without too many laps words and no gratuitous violence, which is not easy, because very often the same as horror splatter. The author has succeeded instead in this book, to create anxiety and suspense without resorting to unnecessary violence. Opera debut really interesting and valid, with only one fault: it is far too short!

Review by Robert Hawk:

In my opinion, very well written. Some really nice passes, fascinating, scary, horror classic chills from, other parties a bit 'simple but not trivial. Aaron Bravo!

Dark Tales on Anoobi:

Friday, July 2, 2010

Tom Delonge Bracelet Tattoo

Fitness: Horror horror"

Another short story written for the hall of the Writers Literary Magazine, in January. Here the lines were more defined and it was not easy to be inside jokes in 2000, also saw the theme. The track was:

Using the usual jokes in January 2000 describing the history of a team of doctors on board a military plane arrives in Port du Prince and collides with the harsh realities of the post cataclysm. WARNING absolutely and without fail you have to use the voice of the Narrator Universal disqualified

I decided to address a delicate issue, that the abuses were discovered on the children of Haiti: In addition to the horror of the earthquake were found faced with a horror that every day around the world is manifested, but that is often hidden. Apart from the difficulty of the subject also had to tell the story from the perspective of "universal narrator: the narrator must know the events and emotions of all characters in the story. The business as usual in 2000 characters. I find it very useful these "exercises" the Writers Magazine!

This short little story was then selected and published in the Writers Magazine No. 18

HORROR horror

The noise of the spill heralds the arrival of the trolleys at the airport of Port-au-Prince. The three Italian doctors observe the earth from the windows close. Dr. Franco Piotti, 65, has already participated in humanitarian missions in Iraq and what he sees reminds him of a city bombed terribly, with perhaps even more devastating effect here because nothing seems to have remained in place. Dr. Giuseppe Guarino and Dr. Silvio Fulginiti are much younger: 32 years she and him 35. They have never worked in an emergency situation. She is very religious and was praying. He wants to be already working in the hospital that have assigned because it is aware that every second could be a life lost. He does not believe in God believe in medicine and science. Its mission is to save lives and that is why he agreed to come Haiti.
'Guys, get ready to sleep a little, to run without interruption and to see people die in the arms "says Dr. Piotti soon as the aircraft completes its landing maneuver. A van

UN awaits them at their landing. Crossing a city that hardly does not exist anymore and reach a hospital in suburban miraculously still standing, where displaced nurse receives them. Dr. Guarini immediately notice that in his eyes there is no trace of hope, only despair. There is no time to lose, and the three doctors were immediately put to work. It is an unequal struggle against time to save every person there are at least two losing life.

Suddenly a cry of Dr. Guarini interrupts his colleagues.
"My God, why?" continues to scream.
"Dr. calm down" the doctor says the oldest. "Sit down
" No I did not calm! Look at this! "

on the bed lying on his right is a girl about 10 years. His right leg was under the rubble. Dr. lifts the dress of the child: no panties. Dr. Fulginiti also approaches and are all aghast and speechless at seeing the obvious signs of rape.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Billirubin At 11 At 2 Weeks Old

Fitness Literary "Red and White"

Here's another short story written for the "Gym literary forum of" Writers Magazine. The theme of the month was "Halloween", with a maximum length of 2000 characters. Of course I could not resist and I threw this quick already tell horror.


Pour some 'white powder on the desktop ( last sniff before tornamene home ...). The system with its cash and a note with the rolled up into her body. The effect is immediate. A Gin-Tonic to the little bar and then drive home.

not see the light turned Red but feel the bang. The car stops suddenly. Behind him the body of a baby is lying on the asphalt. Approaches, and observe the small: wearing a dress (red ), tights ( red) and horns ( red) in the head. E 'dressed as a devil. From its head out of the liquid (red ). Her shoes (red ) remained behind. In his hand he has a doll (red ) from whose belly the jingle "Happy Halloween" to the tune of "London Bridge", continues with impunity to play.

He looks around. Nobody sees it. He runs the machine starts up and runs away on.

E 'after midnight when the doorbell rings. Drag your legs to the door and opens it. In front of him a little girl dressed as devil looks at him smiling. Horns ( red). Dress (red ). Tights ( red). Shoes ... (not the shoes!)

"Trick or Treat?" asks the girl. The boy screamed and jumped backwards stumbling and falling.
"But are you? So I have not killed ... are you okay? "
" Trick or Treat? "
" I do not have candy or sweets ... "
" Then treat! "
screams the devil. Turns on itself, pointing a dance step, he stops and lays down the boy's eyes. He sees his blue irises ( red? ... I happen to red for a while ... ) and rises again when the child is gone. The road in front of his house is deserted.

back into the house and spread on the table what is left of his white powder . Sniffs everything in one fell swoop. Watch the bill rolled up. E 'pool of liquid (red ). Loses consciousness.

He wakes up in the bathroom. The light coming through the window indicating that the night has given way to day. He goes to the sink and look in the mirror. Remains motionless. In the mirror her body is not seen. See a reflection in part of the room. Two men in white shirts are putting a body ( but it's my body!) in a black bag.

At his side a creepy voice says quietly "joke ..." He turns

. The girl with the dress (red ) and face (white ) stares.
His eyes are red like the blood that drips from the head.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Donate Blood In South Florida Money Location

gymnasium literary: "The Devil in the glass"

public here a short story published in the magazine-writers of the forum, where every month we proposed a "literary exercise" with certain rules to follow. For the month of June was the basis of: 4000 characters - based on historical narrative describing an event really happened and respecting the environment, customs, customs of the time. in this context to engage the fictional part.

Here's what I have proposed:

The devil in the glass

from a diary found in a basement in Baltimore

October 12, 1889
It 'now time for me to get rid of a heavy burden that I carry on my conscience for the past many years. The demon that was prophesied 40 years ago I had the upper hand and the days to my life I think are going to end. I came to Baltimore in February 1848. The Great Famine of '46 and the crisis created by the industrial overproduction that hit all over Europe led many people to seek a way out of the American continent. I had just fought with other young Democrats a small revolt in Sicily, where he succeeded in forcing the surrender of the Bourbon troops, but where my brother died, leaving a huge void in my life. So I decided to embark towards the new continent to make a radical change to my life. The first months were very hard to Baltimore and the expectations it easy to find gainful employment were soon disappointed. I had to make do and I accepted any job I was offered, though sometimes it was not entirely lawful activity.

What I want to tell you to ease my conscience happened on October 3, 1849. It was election day in Baltimore and in that time the corruption and violence turned freely on the streets of the city. I had just turned 30 and with other people I had been hired to collect votes for a candidate of Italian origin. We had to identify the potential electors of the taverns near polling stations used to approach them and offer them a drink. Once stunned by massive doses of whiskey could force them to vote multiple times for our candidates in various seats in the city finished the tour we had to change their clothes and forcing them to return to vote again. If alcohol was not enough to make them harmless we were also allowed to use more violent means. This practice was quite widespread and was called "cooping."

That evening we drank a lot of us too, and God only knows what I'd give to be able to go back and erase that day from my life. If we were not drunk so maybe this would not have happened.

We were in the tavern "Gunner's Hall when a man in his forties, his face thin and gaunt, came in and ordered a whiskey. He was alone and had the appearance of a weak man. We decided that he would be our first voter. His mind was already clouded by alcohol and it was difficult to convince him to swallow with the rest of us glasses of whiskey. He spoke in a confused and his eyes were full of pain. Just convinced them to vote and then we took him with us in the other seats, where he voted several times for our candidate. When we returned to the "Gunner's Hall" That poor 'man is not held up almost to his feet. The took off his jacket and pants and cover it with other clothes to shoot the rounds of voting. It was then that the situation worsened. Skinny man, who seemed totally devoid of strength and energy, began screaming and hurled violently against us. A word without meaning, speaking of terrible suffering he had endured and demons in his mind that left him in peace. He seemed possessed by dark forces, and when I slammed in our face the backlash began. We started kicking and punching, without stopping even when building collapsed to the ground.
The last thing he said was a phrase that proved prophetic:

"Demon Alcohol is one of the most brutal and cruel. I see it. It has already taken possession of your body and will to kill him. "

leave it on the street in front of "Gunner's Hall."

The next day I learned that the man's name was Edgar Allan Poe died in hospital in a delirious state four days after terrible evening.

The "Demon Alcohol" I was held for all the years to follow and has slowly and cruelly weakened my mind and my body. May God have mercy on my soul for having contributed to the death of one of the greatest writers of our century.

Historical note: On October 3, 1849 Poe was found delirious on the streets of Baltimore, "in great difficulty, e. .. in need of immediate assistance", according to the man who found him, Joseph W. Walker. He was taken to Washington College Hospital where he died Sunday, October 7, 1849, five in the morning. Many hypotext were made on his death, but the actual cause remains a mystery today.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Spyed Masterbation Women

The oldest woman in the world

"The oldest woman in the world" is the story that opens my book, and is also the first one I wrote. Initially I was not going to publish a book and I quote this story in some forums dedicated to the world of horror. The comments I received were the spring that pushed me to continue writing and to seek a publisher for publication.

I must say that is one of my favorite stories, not only because it was the first, but also because it was the only one where I felt fear as I wrote it myself! It's not a stretch, but the reality: I finished writing it one night when I stopped in the office after business hours Working alone and in my mind as the tale came to life I felt a shiver down my back that made me realize the potential of the story.

The story stems from a situation of "terror" really lived: one night my wife had stopped off for dinner. Knowing that he would later I went to sleep. At one point I heard it fall, I saluted and I fell back asleep. After a while 'I was awakened by noises in the house. I saw the light of the corridor on and heard footsteps approaching the bedroom. I remained motionless, terrified. The bedroom door opened and I saw revenues ... my wife before I had only dreamed of going home to hear it, but I assure you that that moment my heart stopped beating a few seconds.

I decided to include here some comments I've received in the various forums where this story appeared.

Obviously if some of my "new player" would include other comments may well do so from this page or sending an email to: aaron.scott71 @

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I happen sometimes a wonderful thing (well, more would still be nice just to scare me from my writing, great satisfaction, I do not think I have ever ... maybe!). It happens while reading a story that you feel the urge, as we read on, to watch your back every now and then, to hear that annoying itching shoulder blades that makes you go on strike, while the tension of the story grows. The aesthetic pleasure of fear in the end it's all there, and the beauty is that at certain times then remain indelibly etched in your memory. For example I still remember vividly one Christmas Eve when I was 14, I had given my a box of Poe, and read the legendary story Metzengerstein, with that chilling scene in which the arrogant young gentleman down the decoration of the saved his room, and the particular horse that seems to threaten to take life and detached from the wall. As always remember a summer night in Reggio Calabria spent alone in a room with my cousin to read his Dylan Dog, looking from time to time the many shadows of the room. And the good thing is that among the many memories like these are mixed not only those related to stories of famous and noble Pe, Lovecraft, King, Barker, Matheson, Landsdale, Buzzati, Baldwin and many more, but also for example the memory of when I read soup cicerchie Marica, or U Boot Alfonso Dazzi, or some of his pearl Walter Reno, as well as effective this little story this week, in my opinion very well done. The storyline itself is not very original, in fact I read a while ago something like an anthology in English, but the wisdom in determining the increase in tension, a series of small good find, even quite minimal, making the effective range. The ability to send a chill there, and eventually the success of a horror story is there, you can not escape. The rest is philosophy false, cerebral inutili.Qualche little finishing work should be done, a streamlining of certain periods and rewriting a few sentences from the naive would make it taste even more incisive. Nothing essential, however. Bravo
Bravo, Attilio! A real nice story. I liked the atmosphere that you created, the parallels between the young and the Jade mysterious creature. The end of surprises.
I must say that this is an amazing horror. The dry style and essential sequences in which the suspense and fear chase each other and leave you breathless, raise a small masterpiece of the genre classic.
looking! I like the ending to the king ... nn so if I understand, dry, direct and negative, of course ...
Bravo very nice, well you have been able to recreate the tension of the protagonist in a situation like that. The "call" in some ways reminded me of the movie "Lost Highway" by David Lynch. What I suggest if you have not seen ... Hello to reread them to see!
Wow! I fear you were doing. I was reading but it seemed to be at the cinema. You have a talent!
Damn you made me shiver down my spine, beautiful story well done!
Very nice compliment ... I read in the evenings while the storm was ... imagine the fear! --------------------------------------------
Wow you can do the writer of horror stories you have talent ...
Wow fantastic, I'm one who does not like things like this but this story is fantastic!
Congratulations for the story. I really liked the way you seem like the story of a broken life: the pouf, pizza, beer, language. Really good.
L 'single narrative that made me shudder! I was looking for inspiration for a job and I've been a big help. Have you been able to convey emotions in real time as if we were there to see it! Without using the blood, rather than fear, it makes me Skif! BRAVO.
Too beautiful because of you ... Now I fear for my phone ... and my grandmother, however you are a talent, I was stretched like a rubber band!
I find Always nice to find "treasures" of this kind and although much later than its publication I must get my compliments to the other comments and join with Bravo truly deserved. 5 (unfortunately few) Stars
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Wow, that fear! I think for a while longer will not answer the phone and I will not stay alone anymore in casa.Ti just want to say: BRAVO! You will make career ... Now excuse but I'm still shaking with fear ... see you soon!

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Monday, May 24, 2010

Can I Cover My Rabbits Cage At Night

Report "Fantasy in the streets"

Langhirano was held yesterday in the first "Fantasy in the streets", a meeting to talk about the world of fantasy. Besides me and the writers were Federica Pini, Manuela and Silvia Raffa windlass. It 'was a pleasant afternoon, an outdoor presentation, an experiment to bring "the books among the people." A 'positive experience for me, in I got to talk about my book, as some of my stories are born of fear and what I mean by genre "horror". Also interesting is the comparison with other authors, who while dealing with different themes (fantasy) have given me food for thought.

Next meeting: 12.06.2010

Center Books Larizza - Via Como, 9 - Solaro - Milano

from 16.00

Aaron Scott meets the readers to present the novel " Dark Tales "

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Free Sheet Music- Biffy Clyro

21 Metting de Menton Coccinelles

3 Days - 2 Meeting - 1 Passion
Never seen this year in Menton! where our Italian friends are in the spotlight. But Cox Azure, it does not stop there, because we've teamed up with another meeting in Italy and the Festival Rock Voolkstock4 Balla con i cinghialli. So you can participate in the Italian Meeting on Friday morning and join us in Menton or whenever you want with the caravan which starts in Italy on Sunday morning and spend Sunday together in MENTON ALL

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

What Do The Numbers On A Wi Drivers License Mean

Sunday, May 23 will be present at the "Fantasy in Piazza"

Sunday May 23 from 17.30 I will be attending the event "FANTASY IN THE SQUARE" organized by Runde Taarna editions: an afternoon dedicated to the world of fantasy with the Authors: Scott Arron

Karin Bertagnolli
Mauro Fantini Silvia
Federica Pini
Manuela Raffa

Piazza Garibaldi - Langport (PR)

Monday, April 19, 2010

Blizzakssnow Tires Toyota Highlander

Dark is available for purchase

Now you can buy my book "Tales from the Dark", from the publisher's site RUNDI Taarna:

STORIES DARK: Seven stories

poised between horror and noir. Seven encounters with death that occurs in various ways, stories that unfold between past, present and future, through the encounter with the older woman in the world, through a mysterious murderess in a night without lights of Milan.

To get to the story of three boys who, after having recorded the voices of departed souls unpleasant encounter surprises.

Because maybe just let the souls go to rest!

sadistic online surveys, an inspector witnessed his own death, songs that hide terrible premonitions and disturbing secrets hidden in the basement of a peaceful school.
Seven stories written by expert hands, giving rise to anxiety and palpitations in the best tradition of the classics of the genre

Friday, April 16, 2010

Midnight Hot Timing In India

Habla español?!

traghetti grimaldi
partenza 23 giugno / 29 ritorno it
2 Adults + € 335 a VW

or similar prices starting from london!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

V Bernardelli Modell 60

DARK TALES due out in April End

. At the end of month will be released on my first book, Tales Dark.

Sometimes life holds for us the wonderful and unexpected surprises: One year ago I never imagined being able to say "my book will come ...", also because I had not written anything yet. I was thinking of situations, ideas, ideas taken from real situations experienced or dreams in the past, but I never had time (or desire) to put them in writing. I've always had a passion for literature and cinema Horror and I must say that lately I rarely ever feel fear when reading a book or watching a movie.

now be clear: I find that there is a huge difference between "scary" and "fear." The fright in a movie is simple enough to lead: with a seemingly quiet scene suddenly interrupted by the appearance of a monster or a murderess accompanied by loud music and here we are bouncing on the chair, maybe even a scream escapes, after two minutes but the effect is gone, and if we review this scene sometimes not frighten us because we already know what happens and is therefore less of surprise. It is more difficult to create that sense of anguish and terror that comes during the movie or reading a novel that remains even left the cinema after having closed the book. I'm talking about that shiver down your spine that can attack us when we find ourselves alone in the house, even in the dark of our bedroom, thinking back to a scene seen in a movie or read a book. Each has its own fears and weaknesses: I think that what scares us most are not incredible monsters with slimy tentacles and teeth ready to bite, but things that can happen in everyday life at home, the street or at any time. Personally I have always been fascinated, yet terrified by stories of spirits or entities that come back after death, often stories or films about ghosts have scared me more than those on improbable monsters hungry for human flesh.

The ideas I had in my mind could provoke that sense of fear I am talking about. One night about 13 months ago I happened to live one of those situations in which dreams are mixed with the half-sleep: my wife was out to dinner and I fell asleep in bed. I wanted to hear back and talk to her. When it really came home I woke up hearing noises from the hall, convinced that my wife was already in bed beside me and then thinking that there was someone else in the house. In the following days every time I think of what I had felt I was goose bumps: I have decided this novel a bit of 'what happened and write a short story. "The oldest woman in the world" is the first story I wrote and that opens my book. After writing it, I posted on some Internet forums and I immediately started to receive very positive feedback: that what made the players was one thing. Fear. For me it was a great pleasure: I had written with that goal and I was able to join in full.

So I decided to write the other ideas I had and I discovered the magic of writing: the simple ideas can easily become the stories, the characters came to life in my mind and I often found literally catapulted into reality that I was creating. Those who have read my stories is almost always left impressed: I was advised to try to subject them to any home publishing, and so I did. After less than three weeks I contact the RUNDI Taarna EDITIONS , intending to publish my stories in their series "Utopia 70". Speaking to the manager I was immediately in tune on what I think is important for a story "horror": the atmosphere, the tension, but mostly you feel that tingle thinking " could happen to me ..."

Monday, April 12, 2010

Chicken Chow Calories

Ivan's Machine trabajo ...