Saturday, August 29, 2009

Walk Through‏ Form

who is without sin cast the first stone you

He had been pulled yet another trick those rascals of Jews, but there does Jesus fell. Would have condemned the adulteress, giving up its message of mercy, or carry it out, breaking the Jewish law. But Jesus stooped down, as we read in the Gospel of John, wrote something (we do not know) in the sand and said "he who is without sin cast the first stone" (John 8.1 to 11). Well shook the conscience and the adulteress was spared from death by stoning.
The gospel is always illuminating as a source of life lessons, as baggage ethos that accompanies man down through the millennia. Yet the Gospel those who should know by heart, it seems that you need a good refresher catechetical. I refer to the ugly history that is over the future of manager , Dino Boffo. For the uninitiated, the the director of the Newspaper Felt has published an editorial in which they reveal the past of questionable quoridiano director of the CEI on conduct (more or less sexual) concluded with a sentence commuted to six months fine for harassment by telephone. Boffo had friction with the telephone company of the man with whom he had a homosexual relationship. Gossip, low alloy might say, but there are two considerations that must be done instead.
The first concerns the future of editorial choice made by in recent months. The newspaper of the CEI has chosen to act as a forum and moralizing bigot against Berlusconi as merge ballyhooed by the gossip Republic. In short, the bishops have become infallible connoisseur of sexual adventures of the Prime Minister, ignoring (or pretending to ignore) that combined the director of their newspaper. It Felt, which is certainly not a naive or gullible, has made tit for tat.
The second consideration concerns the most delicate and ignored the question, or homosexuality Dino Boffo. Correct me, rather than the homosexuality of the director (who frankly is not and should not be a problem) I dislike the hypocrisy that hangs in the Church. It breaks my heart to write this, just in fornt the verbal battles that I often found myself fighting with friends and colleagues to keep up the pride of being Catholic. Today I'm ashamed. As we know homosexuality in the Vatican is not really well seen the contrary. But now it turns out that one of the most important men to the Communication from the Church in Italy is a homosexual. But who are they kidding? The high priests are the moralizing to the humble and close their eyes with the powerful? The individual believer must confess this "deviance," but if you have directors, presidents and so you can enjoy plenary indulgence? I have friends homosexual priests and friends, these are the questions I want to ask friends in the clergy, because as a loyal, by practicing Catholic I feel a bit 'and got offended by the nose.
Perhaps these high priests should return to the good old and dear Jesus as the essence of Christianity (in the words of Hans Kung forbidden) and not the newspeak and ruffianaggio which these days seems to breathe. "He who is without sin cast the first stone."


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