Wednesday, November 3, 2010

How Much Lidocaine Gets U High


Eventually they took him. I think. If you have not already done so will soon do so. Too bad it's over so I told him I had some time that in principle he was right, but the struggle was to fight within the system. Log into the system to change the features from the roots. Together we can. We can. Unfortunately, what the bomber is a film already seen, a story we'd read the final paragraph. I like to remember her as the history of the comrades who make mistakes that change the bell without giving up the noble intent of the achievement of equality between fraternal peoples. Sure, a brother who is wrong. But has it all wrong, especially when the wind blew between us for change from overseas, this innovative breeze that would have wiped out - leave the square - the whole circus midgets, acrobats and dancers of the majority. Too bad. With him will go a nice piece of my childhood.
The struggle continues. Do not get me wrong. In the places and with means that the Constitution gave us, without discriminating against minorities and still indignant for every stunt that the media gives us new tyrant from week to week. And 'my hard work: meetings, conferences, commissions, compared with the top the party and then the classroom discussions. The war if you do well. We reported that the press is in the pay of someone, but we both have our own following. And if no one reads our press party? It does not matter that we have public funding support it. That freedom of expression is a sacred duty to ensure, at the cost of putting their hands in their pockets of the state. And so we are not ashamed to spend public money to write a paper that does not read any, for the day when we will be prevented from doing so, then it's time to take up arms just as did our friend bomber. And this has ever: we are Democrats.
E 'the same thing happened with television State. We are democrats - like the American Democrats and British Labour - though we have seen the assault to care for the division of powers in public TV, so we dressed up as cowboys and we set out to conquer our insepugnabile fort. Now we have our own channel, where a small Alamo fought hard, we assume only journalists who are on our own, but most offer a quality television. It does not matter if no one looks at why people prefer one of the enemy. We will do the same because it is a public service. Pluralism is important, it is a matter of life or death. Imagine what could be a state without pluralism. We fight every day for that. Daily deal - or at least try to do to the sound of punches - a slice of power to ensure media pluralism. If we give up this power leads only to a dictatorship without escort, ass-licker, Freemasons and so on and so forth. Never be: our first share of power and then talks about the rest. The same we did with the banks, insurance companies, cooperatives and large retailers away. The power score is.
It is not true that we missed the rest. University research, freedom of immigration, tax breaks, the fight against malpractice policy, the war against the mafia, the world peace. These are all key points, but be careful. The government there we are. E 'is therefore our task to reckon without his host and to resist, just as our grandparents endured in the mountains to hunt for Nazi-Fascists. Because the resistance is not a historic district anchored to the memory of more than sixty years ago, but is an existential condition in which they live great values. That's why we Democrats are all friends of the national partisans do not care if the partisans of the time they have not escaped half are young people having to sign up.
I take inspiration from this quote of the values \u200b\u200bof resistance to point on an issue. As the partisans came down to a compromise with the Nazi invaders, us as we dug a deep furrow between us and the President of the Council. A furrow-pass-on our part, but open to people trying to flee from the party organization. We sought to entrench the two-party system in Italy and we have accepted the invitation by fusing the Communists, Democrats, Catholics, Opus Dei and a former radical. Because for us, diversity is a value. Relativism is a pure value, because the individual must be allowed free expression. In the past, we thought radically opposed, but you know, times change and with it the dying ideologies and beliefs change.
I am proud to tell you that every day that the groove is increased up to become a real Iron Curtain. Now we're bringing the political fight against the immorality of the President staff because in the meantime the rest can wait. Mica us to govern. We play the role of the opposition and as such our goal is to send home this tyrant from overwork. Fifteen years that we try without much success, but I'm quite sure that - among the thousands of stories escort and parties - this time we have found the right one. Greetings to you
bomber. If you were accommodated by my side in Parliament as I told you, now would you be here in hope to enjoy as soon as the fall of the great Satan. In the meantime, think of you remembering the courage and the greatness of people like the Rev. King, President Kennedy, Mother Teresa of Calcutta ... In short, the pantheon of great Democrats.


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